Cellphone Water Damage? Sonic App Can Fix It Without Any Budget!

As a “singer” who likes to hold a “concert” while taking showers, one of the most problematic challenges I faced constantly is water damage. Therefore, last year when I knew iPhone 7 was going to be waterproof, I immediately ordered it and started to pitch different kinds of music lists for my “shower room concert.”


However, the iPhone 7 was not so water-repellent as I expected. By that I mean, yes, it did overall function pretty well in a water-rich atmosphere, but the speakers, including the upper speaker (where you receive calls) and the bottom speaker, got extremely muffled afterward.

I had tried so many ways I found on Google: using a hair dryer, soaking up the phone with rice, drying out with silica gel sachets. But none of these solved my speaker issue. I was so desperate that I was seriously considering letting Apple fix it for me, which was, without doubt, going to cost me a lot.

Then I just found out Sonic      ⤵️


Sonic aims to let you control over the frequency. Users can generate tones from 0 Hz all the way up to Ultrasonic 25kHz frequency. More importantly, it is a FREE app that helps you eject water from speakers. Simply, adjust the frequency to around 160Hz (anything between 160 and 170 should be fine), and it should get the water out from speak.

Based on the comment section of App Store, a huge quantity of people, including me of course, has utilized this app to fix the water damage of iPhone speaker. I am not sure it is going be helpful for everyone, buy hey, if you are so desperate just like me, why don’t you give a shot for Sonic: there is nothing to lose to try a free app.

A positive comment by Galan Curz